Mission Lehar Glimpses!

Project Learning Harmony - For a better tomorrow
We collaborate with and support various schools in the vicinity of Mumbai, to enable the students to learn, heal & grow with the power of sound, play & science.
Project SHY is a first-of-its-kind campaign that elaborates upon the importance of Sound, Harmony & Youth for a secure tomorrow, by saving the youth of today from the internal & external chaos of their environments, homes & minds.
After extensive research directed at enabling and recovering the underpriviledged community from past or ongoing abuse, the Bodhmarga Core Team arrived at an unanimous conclusion from the results.
The conclusion was that in order to protect & support vulnerable communities, we must strengthen the children of the community to be stronger in mind, body & spirit to face the challenges of tomorrow in a healthy way.
Bodhmarga uses a unique DISTRESS model to help facilitate their shift to health –
- D – Demonstrate
- I – Integrate
- S – Sound
- T – Theatre
- R – Regulate
- E – Empower
- S – Stabilize
- S – Secure
A compassionate & conscious being is called a ‘Mauli.’ As Bodhmarga & her members grow upon the Mauli philosophy & journey, a gentle yet impactful shift is observed in the people around.
The Presence of a Mauli is healing, calm & regulates the nervous system to it’s original state of stability & order, freeing those around from disorder, emotional dysfunction & poor self esteem.
This program is based on the philosophy & a collective lived experience of Pasaydaan, which is simple, sound prayer written by the epitome of compassion & consciousness, the Maharaj Dyaneshwar Mauli and allows the Maulies ie. Core Team Volunteers to endeavour toward an Inner Space of Peace, Power, Purity, Acceptance & Divine Love for all in their life.
The Bodhmarga Core Team consists of 15 dedicated volunteers with experience & expertise in a variety of fields relevant to the facilitation of this children’s project & its activities.
Currently, we are running a pilot program in collaboration with regional schools in Mumbai, for the Phase – I of this Learning Harmony Project.
We are in the process of building and promoting this project and aiming to expand all across India by 2025.
The mission is to raise children who are self-aware & strong in their personal, inter-personal & creative pursuits in life, through the power being Present, Sound Yoga, Theatre-in-Education activities and the Science of Polyvagal Theory to establish a foundation of peace and stability in the mind, body & spirit of the children who experience this program, and in the long run, in each of their families & communities.
Join us in giving back to the society & ensure inner stability for a better tomorrow.

The Story of Project LeHar
Restoring the Stability of Young Minds With Sound & Harmony, for the Youth.
Bodhmarga allows for individual growth via the collective journey as she believes in Oneness & Peace. This unending belief has caused thousands all over the world to join the movement of Peace & Oneness through the various activites at Bodhmarga.
As a Non-Profit Organization & Charitable Trust, Bodhmarga conducts various workshops. As a part of the will to aid a better future through a stable present, We have conducted various workshops & campaigns of community health & provision for the children of the underpriviledged & tribal communities.
This one-of-a-kind project focuses on the essence of prayer & presence, to catalyze growth & harmony.
Bodhmarga is on the way to building a fortified community of conscious & compassionate beings who realize that the way to a secure future is through a healthy nervous system.
To aid the regulation of the nervous system of the children, the dedicated Core Team Volunteers at Bodhmarga have been selected from a wide spectrum of children & health related backgrounds & trained in the art of facilitating education through the tools of Sound & Vibration Yoga, Theatre-in-Education & the Science of Nervous System Regulation.
The Learning Harmony Project allows for all to Learn & Live through unlocking the creative locks & providing the keys to health and happiness for all age groups.