Soksha Moksha – The Ultimate Prayer for Harmony Relational Harmony, release & restoration in the present moment with Soksha Moksha – a prayer to the Collective Consciousness in All.
Mauli Training for Self-transformation Empowering the dedicated Soyara community to be physically, emotionally, spiritually & digitally aware & evolve their consciousness.This allows a radical self transformation based on the pillars…
Experience the Bhagwat Gita in 6 minutes Vibhushri’s Avtarit Gita – a powerful summation of the essence of each Bhagwat Gita chapter, provided via a mind map for the busy…
Vibhushri’s Avtarit Gita – a powerful summation of the essence of each Bhagwat Gita chapter, provided via a mind map for the busy human.
The Geometry of Alignment is a phenomenon of a deeply powerful happening, revealed as Vitthal Kriya, allowing us to experience the essence of Akriya Yog in merely 3 minutes. The…
The Divine Hymns, Mantras & Chants along with special Satsangs by Vibhushri, to bring you into frequencies of Harmony & Peace Discover the Siddha Kirtans, Bhajans, Chants & Mantras from…